John of Gaunt Infant School
Hungate Street, Aylsham NR11 6JZ
Tel: 01263 732844

John Bear’s Nursery
Norwich Road, Aylsham, NR11 6JG
Tel: 01263 734028

Home School Agreement

I know my child is well supported and teachers always listen to my concerns.







The phonic and maths workshops gave me the confidence and understanding to help my child.

Children will get the most out of their education when we all work together on every issue. The school seeks to work in partnership with families to support pupils, which means that both school and home have to develop good communication links. Please let us know about anything that might affect your child - we might be able to help. If parents/carers have any comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher, in the first instance, or a member of the Senior Leadership Team.



This agreement sets out the partnership between John of Gaunt and its parents, working together to enable the children to feel happy and secure and to reach their full potential.

John of Gaunt Infant and Nursery School:

We will do our best to:-

  • Work towards every child achieving their best as a valued member of the school community.
  • Care for your child’s safety and happiness.
  • Provide a caring, nurturing environment that fosters a love of learning.
  • Foster positive working relationships; ensuring individuals’ rights, but also establishing shared responsibilities.
  • Provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
  • Recognise and meet the needs of your child as an individual.
  • Maintain excellent standards of work and behaviour.
  • Keep you informed about your child’s progress and provide information to help support your child at home.
  • Be open and welcoming at all times.
  • Provide opportunities for you to be involved in the school community and contribute ideas and opinions.
  • Encourage children to care for the environment
  • Encourage children to respect school property and follow our school vision.

Parents and Guardians:

We expect families will:

  • Ensure that my child attends school regularly, on time and ready to learn.
  • Inform the school of any reason for absence in writing, by telephone or in person.
  • Inform the school immediately if contact details change (phone numbers, moved house etc.)
  • Support the school in achieving its targets for good attendance.
  • Keep the school informed about any worries or problems that might affect my child’s work or behaviour.
  • Support the school’s policy and practice for maintaining good behaviour.
  • Support my child when completing any ‘homework’ or special activities, while providing opportunities for other learning at home.
  • Attend parent meetings and other opportunities to learn about my child’s progress.
  • Support the school approach to online safety when my child is using a computer.
  • Ensure my child arrives properly equipped and wearing clothing, book bag and PE kit, all cleared named.
  • Support the school and its policies.
  • Not use social media to denigrate the school, staff or pupils. If you ever have concerns, please talk to us!


By working together in partnership we can achieve more


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