Assessment is an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Assessments are made by teachers throughout the school year to identify next steps in pupil learning. These are undertaken in a variety of forms, including regular pupil progress meetings, observations, teacher marking/pupil response, teacher/pupil discussion, self/peer marking and practical/oral/written/memory tasks.
The children are observed in their play and interactions with others throughout the year as part of our 'planning in the moment'. Each child will have a focus week once a term and following this their key worker will arrange to meet parents/carers for a consultation appointment.
Year R - Early Years Foundation Stage Profile Assessment
The children are assessed by teacher observations throughout their Reception Year and parents/carers are informed about the progress that their child has made at the end of the year.
Year One Phonics Screening Check
All Year One children take part in a Phonics Screening Check in June and parents/carers are informed of the outcomes later in the Summer Term.
A meeting is held for parents/carers about the Phonic Screening Check at the beginning of the Summer Term.
Parent/carer - teacher consultation meetings
- Autumn term
Within the first month, there will be an informal "Meet the Teacher" meeting after school, for parents/carers to pop in and say hello to their child's teacher and share or clarify any information.
Before half term there will be individual appointments when we will discuss how children have settled into new classes and general progress of pupils. - Spring term
There will be a consultation meeting for all parents/carers to discuss progress. - Summer term
A written report is sent home and parents/carers can discuss informally any specific queries with their child’s class teacher.